Alan Foulis has confirmed his spot at the Nutritech East Cape Champs! Alan is a seasoned competitor and has alot of international experience having competed at the popular Granite Games, both last year and this year. After placing 4th in the Africa Regional of the Open of the Reebok CrossFit Games, Alan went on to represent Africa at the Meridan Super Regional this year, placing 28th out of these 40 Superathletes! We look forward to seeing Alan throwdown at the 2nd Annual Nutritech East Cape Champs! #nutritech #eastcapechamps @nutritechfit @itensityonline @crossfitalgoa @enduradesports @toosocialpe @reebok_sa @bronscor #rehbandsa @pe_exotics @thetramwaysbuilding @bay_chamber @mark_anderson1972 #markandersonphysiotherapy @bradmillar #futuretech @brianbandssports
19 October