We are 1 week and 1 day out from Registration for this years NECC! We are super excited to announce that the first half day of competition for the Individuals will take place at The Beach at Happy Valley, Summerstrand! That will be for the first few events on Friday 8 September 2017. We suggest that you bring along a swimming costume, goggles if you need these for swimming, sunscreen, cap/hat, beach towels x 2, food and refreshments and warm-clothes. Prepare for a day at the beach – Expect to be at The Beach from 7:30 to 14:30! You will then need to be available for competing at The Tramways building from 16:30 – 21:30.
#dayatthebeach #crossfitalgoa #nutritech #eastcapechamps @itensityonline @crossfitalgoa @Nutritechfit @enduradesports @reebok_sa @bronscor @thetramwaysbuilding @bay_chamber @easterncapemotorgroup @mark_anderson1972 @superspar_bluewaterbay #markandersonphysiotherapy @bradmillar #futuretech @brianbandssports #easterncapemotorgroup #superspar_bluewaterbay