The full schedule and detailed heats list time can be found at the following link:
Please urgently check to see if your Name (Individuals) or Team Name (Teams) is on this schedule. If not please urgently contact us on and
If you are not on these lists you will not be able to compete this weekend, as you will not be in the heat schedules!
#Endurade #EnduradeSports #Nutritech @NutritechFit @Itensityonline @CrossFitAlgoa @EnduradeSports @fitness.network_ @FitnessNetwork #fitnessnetwork #forceUSA #FreeForm #UrbanEspressCoffeeCo @Urban.Espress #TooSocial #CrossFitAlgoa #CrossFitAlgoaKids @thetramwaysbuilding @bay_chamber @mark_anderson1972 @nuwaylife #markandersonphysiotherapy @bronscor @easterncapemotorgroup #easterncapemotorgroup @superspar_bluewaterbay #superspar_bluewaterbay #actionsportssummerstrand #despatchsuperspar #kombederfjouself @bradmillar #futuretech #retreatonmain @roxannestottelaar @alwaysfitleague @reebok_sa