The EECC Starts tomorrow!! Please find all our Venues and their respective location maps at:
OR at the bottom of our home page:
REMINDER – we will be charging a small Spectator Entry fee at the Tramways Venue on each day of competition: Adults (>19 yrs) R30 ; Children/Teenagers/Pensioners (4-19 yrs) R20 ; Children (3 or younger) Free
See you there!!!!!
Visit for more details!!
#Endurade #EastCapeChamps #CrossFitAlgoa @CrossFitAlgoa @EnduradeSports #EnduradeSports #Nutritech @NutritechFit @Itensityonline @fitness.network_ @FitnessNetwork #fitnessnetwork #forceUSA #FreeForm #UrbanEspressCoffeeCo @Urban.Espress @_dynamic.events_ @thetramwaysbuilding @bay_chamber @mark_anderson1972 #markandersonphysiotherapy @bronscor @reebok_sa @bradmillar #futuretech #retreatonmain @roxannestottelaar @superspar_bluewaterbay #superspar_bluewaterbay #actionsportssummerstrand #despatchsuperspar #kombederfjouself #CrossFitAlgoaKids #makingpeoplebetter #luke1v37 #AlwaysFitLeague #CrossFit #CrossFitSA