Here are our 4 FUN Workouts! Have FUN throwing down at your Box / Facility / Home!
Complete the 4 Workouts over 10 Days (2-12 December 2020) and stand a chance to win Awesome Lucky Draw/Participation Prizes.
View the Event Format and Divisions HERE! (We also have a new Home-Based Division requiring min Equipment!)
You can complete them in any order and re-test as needed!
Get a friend to judge your performance!
RX Division – Only the top 10 RX Men and Women need to submit videos!
Registration, Score Submission and Video Submission (RX Ind only) must be completed before 24:00 (local SA time) 12 December 2020.
You must log your scores to stand a chance to Win the Lucky Draw/Participation Prizes!
Download the Full Workout Details, Scaled Divisions, Movement Standards, and Score Sheets HERE!
Register HERE!
Have Loads of FUN and Tag us in on your Social Media pics/videos at: @EastCapeChamps #EastCapeChamps #Endurade #EnduradeSports #Nutritech
@EnduradeSports #EastCapeChamps @NutritechFit #AlwaysFitLeague @AlwaysFitLeague #Endurade #EnduradeSports #Nutritech #NutritechFit @Bronscor #Bronscor #CrossFitAlgoa @CrossFitAlgoa #CrossFitAlgoaSummerstrand #CrossFitAlgoaKids #MakingPeopleBetter #ReebokSouthAfrica @ReebokSouthAfrica @BradMillar #FutureTech @ItensityOnline #ItensityOnline @CabalCoffeeRoastery #CabalCoffeeRoastery @Goodylife_SouthAfrica #GoodylifePeanutButter @Mark_Anderson1972 #MarkAndersonPhysiotherapy #SasolDisa #EastCapeHandTools @ShaunBennProjects #ShaunBennProjects #CrossFitSA #CrossFit #CrossFitCulture #HealthyLiving #ShareTheBay #PortElizabeth #SouthAfrica